6. Tokenomics & Financials

Token Details

  • Blockchain network: BNB

  • Total Supply: 7.642B

  • Initial Market Cap: $89M

  • Listing price: $0.2

  • TGE: September 2024

Token Utility

“Fuel” for interacting with the Candao ecosystem.

At times, microscoping interaction fees (i.e., "gas") and a small $CDO commission will be required to access or trigger certain Candao ecosystem functions (e.g., claiming OnChain profile, claiming rewards or minting new tokens). This way, Candao ensures a consistent revenue stream for buyback and making strategy, while also ensuring the product is not attacked by bots or suffers from fake activity volume.

Value-bearing asset

The $CDO token will not be burned. Rather than that, all revenue streams from Candao will be used to execute a "buyback and make" strategy. In other words, all Candao revenues will be converted to $CDOs and then redistributed to ecosystem participants in the form of staking, liquidity, or ecosystem rewards.

Means of reward distribution

$CDO, along with a few of the protocol's other internal tokens, will be used as a network reward. Participants in the Candao ecosystem will be able to earn rewards by staking $CDOs, which will act as additional liquidity on decentralized exchange pools. Additionally, users' rewards will be proportional to their activity within the Candao network; in other words, the more users contribute and cooperate with each other, the higher their rewards will be.

$CDO vs Voting Power

Additionally, the $CDO token will be used for governance purposes. Each ecosystem participant with a sufficient number of tokens will be able to submit voting proposals for the continued development and improvement of Candao. Eligible $CDO token holders will also be able to vote on whether or not to accept or reject submitted proposals. Participating actively in ecosystem governance results in increased rewards for stakeholders and liquidity providers.

Treasury and Reserves

A portion of the total supply of $CDO will be held in ecosystem treasury and reserves. They will be used to further develop Candao (via development grants, for example) and to bolster $CDO's market position (e.g. by extending liquidity on centralized exchanges, entering into strategic partnerships, etc.).

Governance Model

Candao is introducing a completely new voting and governance model. Until now, it has been a "pay-to-play" strategy. For instance, in various crypto communities, the more tokens you possess, the greater your voting power. This means that individuals with substantial capital can always push their own initiatives.

However, this may not be the most optimal decision-making model because smaller community members may not have a say. That's why Candao is introducing a voting model based on experience within different topics.

For example, if you have worked as a developer in a large corporation for seven years, your voting power in a group discussing the integration of software that could affect a startup significantly will be much greater than someone with no experience and slightly greater than someone with a large amount of capital but no experience. This way, Candao gives a voice to the community.

Development Fund

As previously stated, the development fund will be established using a part of the $CDO's treasury and reserves. The Candao team will use it to continue the project's growth in accordance with the public roadmap. Additionally, it will be used to award grants for the implementation of community-submitted ideas and improvements that have been approved by the governance panel.

Last updated