8. Product Development & Roadmap

Q2 2024:

  • Candao.io beta open (Feed, Profile and Chat)

  • Candao app release (Wallet)

  • Token Generation

Q3 2024:

  • Vesting Begins

  • Quests & Livestreams Prelaunch

  • Payless Prelaunch

  • In-app Paid Advertising

  • AI-Based Feed

Q4 2024

  • Marketing Engine and Quests Launch

  • Payless Launch

  • Social Rewards

  • AI Agents based on personal data

  • Social Tokens

Q1 2025

  • Matching people

  • Social Launchpads

  • Multirole groups DAO

  • Social Tokens

  • Staking with Social Rewards

  • Multirole ICO

Q2 2025

  • Global Marketing Campaigns

  • P2P DCI beta (Decentralized Cloud Storage)

  • P2P Open Beta

Q4 2025

  • Multiple Exchange Listing

  • Advanced AI assets matching

  • SelfDev Engine

Q1 2026

  • Tier 1 Exchanges Listing

  • Expanded Marketing Efforts

Last updated